Sissy Phone Sex for panty boys

tommy does not know whether to suck a dick or be a girl

let’s get tommy fucked… O V E R.. He wants to suck my dick… or talk like a girl girl,, he finds me wanting him to talk like a girl totally humiliating. He belongs right at the bottom. He is a bottom feeder.. he needs to get down and be beneath all the strong people. He is used to being humiliated, needs to be laughed at. He is hopeless now, this is all he can do. This is his lot in life. He likes strong Princesses like me. I feel that he deserves this. I am giving him what he wants. I am going to give him the cock sucker of the year award.

His gf is called M** she is too nice for him, and she has no clue what a fucking loser dick sucking faggot his is… he is so queer, be a good girl!